August 17th, 2019

Bride And Groom

We're delighted to have you, our family and friends join us for this special day when we join in marriage.

Meredith Kimmel

Born in Louisville and raised in Cincinnati, Meredith grew up with her loving parents and sister. In her second year of college she took a chance on David and went on a date with him. To this day and her last she will stick with him, no matter what.


David Greiner

Born and raised in Germany he came to the U.S. to visit his host family after completing his undergraduate degree. During his stay he met the most beautiful and sweet girl that he never let go of.

Until Our Big Day

We are elated that soon we will all be celebrating together.

Wedding events

Our special day will be hosted at two locations. The ceremony will be in Downtown Cincinnati and our reception/after-party will be at Maketewah Country Club in Bond Hill.

Wedding Ceremony
August 17th, 2019
2:00pm - 3:00pm
St. Francis Xavier Church
Wedding Reception
August 17th, 2019
5:00pm - 11:00pm
Maketewah Country Club

The Bridal Party

The bridesmaids are the closest and best friends of Meredith. They have taken on the important job of being a bridesmaid to make this special day run as smoothly as possible.

Sister - Maid of Honor
Even though we have our sisterly fights, we do get along. We are there for each other when something is wrong or if someone needs advice on something. Having a sister is a wonderful thing.
Friend - Bridesmaid
Jenny and I met in high school during tennis tryouts. I am so happy that I have a friend like her. We have been through everything together - we are inseparable! Everyone needs a friendship like ours!
Future Sister In Law - Bridesmaid
Kira and I have been able to get close in our relationship! She helped us out a lot in the summer with Lilly. I cannot wait to have a sister in law like her. I am so happy we have had the chance to build this friendship!
High School Friend - Bridesmaid
We went to high school together, but became really close friends once we got to college. Kathryn is a great friend of mine and I couldn't imagine life without her as a friend!
College Friend - Bridesmaid
Katelyn and I met at Xavier in our math class. Our friendship really took off. We always try to find time to talk and catch up on our lives, no matter how busy we are!

The groomsmen are a selection of the finest men David has ever known. They are his closest and dearest friends standing next to him on the most important day of his life.

Friend - Best Man
Not only is Lukas one of my best friends, but he is also my 2nd cousin. Growing up together we both discovered our passion for computers and programming. Together we graduated high school and college, all while developing our own software.
Friend - Groomsman
Daniel and I first met in High school through mutual friends. We became great friends through playing D&D and video games for several years. Together we share a great passion for the U.S., Game of Thrones and board games.
Cousin - Groomsman
Ever since he was born, Julian and I had a special bond. Every year when he came to visit for Christmas and the summer we would always go crazy playing Lego or going swimming.
Friend - Groomsman
My sister brought Dome into my life as her boyfriend and he stayed as my friend. He is one of the most helpful and generous guys you will ever meet.
Friend - Groomsman
Circumstance brought us together when we were both studying abroad in the US. We became brothers along the way and to this day still act like it.

" A happy man marries the woman he loves; a happier man loves the woman he married. "

Our Blog

Follow our Blog to stay up-to-date on our preparations for the wedding. Here you can find tips on what to do in and around the city.

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    Gift Registration

    Your presence at the wedding is more important to us than presents! However, if you would like to buy a gift we have gift registries at the stores below. Otherwise, cash gifts are also greatly appreciated